I've always loved black and white line art because of its simplicity, but when I thought about doing line art for Minneapolis, but black and white wouldn't do this Minneapolis justice.
Minneapolis is active.
Minneapolis is alive.
Minneapolis is moving.
I always like to say that in life you can either go through the motions or you can create emotions ... well, for me, Minneapolis creates emotions.
When I'm here I feel creative.
I feel the stirring inside of me to do something ... thoughts of "what am I going to do next?" fill my mind and there's a feeling that pulls me out of my shell to the next adventure.
When I moved to Minneapolis in 2001 I found myself getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the city. There was always something to do, and if I was bored, it was simply because I was not trying.
This is truly a city of motion ... of energy, so I tried to capture that sense from the vantage point coming into the city on 35w.
I wanted to capture what it feels like as you're moving with the city and going through the city ... I wanted to capture the motion... to inspire you to keep going, to push forward and to create new things.
So as you look at this picture i hope you get that same energy and maybe put it somewhere in your home or office where you engage in creating things that evoke emotions - whether that's architecting the next business idea, coming up with your next book idea, planning your next photo shoot, family vacation or what to do next weekend ... but most important, a place where ideas, conversations and connections thrive.
I hope you enjoy Minneapolis Motion.