Random thought one week after launching my art …
I’ve enjoyed drawing since I was a kid … so as I launched my site, it kinda feels like my entire life full of random doodles in notebooks has led up to this point.
Not sure what your passion might be outside of your 9 to 5, but the amount of life & excitement this “side project” has given me is amazing!
Spare hours here or there have opened my mind to think of big, new ideas for every area of my life, including my real business, CloseSimple ... a software that helps modernize the communication during the real estate transaction 🙌🏼
… So maybe there’s something you’ve pushed down deep inside of you … thinking of it only as a “random” talent or creative thing you do to pass time ~ but… if you allowed it to come out, could benefit you more than you know … AND inspire others
… Maybe it could be something that brings you new life.
So here’s my suggestion if you feel like I’m talking to you right now…
PURSUE whatever it is you’ve been holding back on … while CRUSHING whatever it is you’re ALREADY doing… make time for you… because whatever you invest in you will come back as a multiplier… you will get new ideas, new energy & inspiration for every area of your life … and you’ll feel more fulfilled because you are actually FEEDING YOURSELF NEW EXPERIENCES instead of simply working FROM YOUR PAST EXPERIENCES.
This doesn’t have to happen as a side hobby though, maybe find time to do it in your normal job too.
I always like to say, “you can either go through the motions, or create emotions,” so I find it valuable to set aside time to feed that creative part of me… getting me out of the day-to-day motions, to create new things, new passions & feel NEW emotions inside of me.
Give me a 🖐🏼 if this hits home.
Ps … it’s been fun releasing this first series of art & I already have ideas for the next round of art … Newsflash: ✨✨✨ It’s going to be completely different… but feel free to drop me a contact message if you’d like a promo code to get 10% off 2 or more pieces of this current series.
#art #linedrawing #minneapolis #saintpaul #minnesotaart #minnesotaartist #youareanartist #emotionsnotmotions #energy #creative #business #inspiration